Thanks to all the community

A tool widely appreciated by motorhome travelers and vanlifers

4,4/5 - Based on 16 294 reviews

Update your profile

Fill in your information on your personal space. Share your travel stories and the latest destinations you've visited.
Also include the vehicle you use, whether it's a camper, van, caravan or other vehicle.
Make your profile user-friendly by adding a profile picture so the community can easily identify you in the comments you share!

Evolve within the community

All CaraMaps addresses have been added by the community. If you find a new place, please add it and share it with the whole community. You can promote local tourism and give ideas to the next travelers who will visit this area. Also share photos to make travel stops even more attractive !

Exchange with other travelers

Learn from the community's advice and add a review and rating to reward the best travel stops or encourage those who can improve their hosting of travelers on the road! Discover the profiles of other travelers and their latest trips.
man holding phone
At CaraMaps, the community is someone you can count on!

It gathers thousands of travelers, passionate about escape, adventure, and discovery while roaming, with a common goal: to feel at home wherever the adventure takes you.

The CaraMaps community is about sharing, helping each other, conviviality, meeting new people, know-how, and above all respect for the environment and local rules.

Obstacles become stories, then adventures, anecdotes, lasting memories and finally a passion for travel. Since 2015, you have accompanied us and supported this project, a little crazy "at the time", which thanks to you takes all its sense today.

Our vision: Leave with peace of mind and live fully its adventures in motorhome, van, 4x4, caravan or tent.

Join us and contribute to a 100% collaborative platform between passionate and welcoming travelers.

Take advantages of all the advices of the community